3 Reasons Why You Need to Follow Callen Schaub

According to his website,”Callen Schaub is an abstract artist most recognized for his unconventional techniques, live performances, and frank openness about his process and life as an artist.”

That’s good stuff, but here are the reasons I dig him.

1. He’s the Bob Ross of abstract painting

Bob Ross made landscape oil painting more accessible and Callen does the same for abstract painting. Callen’s live performances and videos show exactly how he creates his paintings, just like Bob’s show, “The Joy of Painting,” showcased the process of creating a landscape oil painting. Both Callen and Bob bring people behind the curtain and inspire their viewers.

2. He uses his girlfriend as a paintbrush

Callen appears to be in a relationship with dancer/designer Veronika Radolovich, and it’s fantastic. She loves sparkles and he turns everything he touches into a trippy rainbow, so it’s the perfect union (more on that trippy rainbow business in a minute). The two have a “collaborative and dynamic duet” on Instagram called moon.magic.loves.you where modern dance and abstract painting coming together in a moon-magical way.

3. Everything he touches turns into a trippy rainbow

Whether it’s his paintings, his girlfriend, his clothes, his hair, or wheelchairs, Callen fills the world with color. His technique allows colors to mix and interact in a natural, organic way creating beautiful textures and patterns. What will he touch next?

Follow Callen Schaub on Instagram or visit his website to learn more about his life and art.

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