7 Ways to Create Positive Energy Each Day

We are constantly creating energy, whether we realize it or not. Every time we talk or move there’s a release of energy that is transferred to the space around us and often times directly to other people. That energy can immediately have an impact or it can slowly build into something. Either way, it’s powerful.

We have a responsibility to be aware of our energy and work to make it positive. Here are seven ways we can create positive energy in our lives each day. 

1. Be Present

Be mindful. Engage with the world and people around you. Much of our negativity actually comes from trying to do too much at once. We call it multitasking and unfortunately, it tends to be viewed as a good thing. However, when you’re multitasking each task is competing for your full attention. This can quickly create conflict, which leads to negative energy. 

Simplify. Focus on what is in front of you and you’ll find that life gets easier and more enjoyable. Put your full self into each conversation you have. Resist checking your phone every other second. Positive energy will come when you focus your attention on a single thing. 

2. Laugh

A good laugh goes a long way with positive energy, as long as it isn’t at the expense of another individual. Laughing is good for our health and it’s contagious, so do it often. Set a goal to see how much you can laugh throughout your day. Tell more jokes. Watch more funny videos. Do whatever you must to put a smile on your face. Positive energy will flow from you like a fountain. 

3. Exercise

The thought of exercising might not give you positive vibes, but the act of exercising will. This doesn’t mean you have to start training for a marathon. Keep it simple if you’d like. Do some light stretching. Take a walk around the block a few times. Do something to get your body moving. When you exercise you release more endorphins, which makes you feel good. This is literally a way for your body to produce positive energy. So get moving!

4. Silence Negativity

Negative thoughts and emotions are going to come your way. However, you must silence them. Don’t allow yourself to dwell on negative thoughts. Nothing will kill your positive energy more than constantly entertaining negative energy. This can be worry, fear, anxiety, criticism, insecurity, inconvenience, sickness, etc. Anything that creeps into your mind and starts to bring you down must immediately be challenged and dismissed if you want to create positive energy. 

5. Give Thanks

As they say, you can see the glass as half empty, or half full. If you can step back periodically throughout the day and take note of things you’re grateful for, you will find yourself a happier person. In fact, it’s not possible to be grateful and worried at the same time. When you’re grateful, you’re choosing to see the good. It can be hard at times, especially in moments when you’re facing a challenge. But if you can find a way to consistently practice giving thanks, positive energy is sure to follow.

6. Show Love

Love is the single most powerful producer of positive energy. A great way to show others love is to live by the golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated. By putting this into action each day, creating positive energy becomes second nature. You’re primary focus is to build others up, because that’s what we want for ourselves. We crave help, kindness, patience, and understanding. Therefore that’s what we should give. Every day.

7. Pray

The world can be a rough place, constantly challenging our ability to remain positive. Sometimes, it’s simply more than we can bare. That’s why we need to tap into our source of never ending positive energy. We need to reach out to God and say, “Lord, I need help!” God wants us to live connected to His power and grace, and from that power and grace comes love, gratitude, mindfulness, and joy; all the things that produce positive energy. Reach out and ask to be a conductor of positive vibes for the world around you, but watch out! It will happen and it will be greater than you could have imagined.  

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