“Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it.”
Marcus Aurelius, The Emperor’s Handbook
Time is limited. There are only so many hours in each day, and we are granted only so many days in our lives. This is no secret. Yet, many of us don’t live our lives as if we understand this fact. We spend our time chasing after the wind.
There’s a simple concept that can help guide us to a better way, and it’s called prioritizing. Again, this is no secret. I’m not telling you anything that you don’t already know. However, many of us don’t prioritize. We don’t work out the details of a simple equation so we’re spending our time the way we want.
Let’s take a look at what that equation is and see if we can’t get more from the limited time we have in life.
The Priority Equation
One part of prioritizing is simple math, with time and activity as our two variables. You have things you want to do (activity) and only so much time to do them (time). So, we need to figure out what those variables are. They need to be defined clearly.
The best place to start with this is to look at a single 24-hour day. Our time variable is clearly defined as 24 hours. Now, we need a list of activities. What are things you have to do? What are things you want to do? Make a list and start charting out your day.
For example, let’s say you want to get 8 hours of sleep each day. Well, that means you have 16 hours available for other activities. Weekdays you have a job that requires 8 hours of work, so you’re down to 8 hours available for other activities.
Now you go to your activity list and start making some decisions. This is where you will quickly have to prioritize, because you have a limited number of hours to work with. You’ll have to think critically about what is most important.
Do you have a long commute that’s eating up your time? Can you change that? Do you take too much time to get ready in the morning? Is there a way to shorten that? Is there not enough family time in the schedule? Do you want to read more? Get creative. See what your options are. This should be an iterative process where you start by discovering the realities of time and activity.
Let the Big Questions Guide You
Prioritizing the activities of each day without having a high-level perspective can send us in the wrong direction. The first thing we need to do to prioritize is to back up and look at the big questions. These are the questions that guide our lives. The hard questions, if you will.
Questions like, what do you want to be remembered for when you die? Or, what are things that you absolutely can’t accept not doing before you die? Yes, death is an important part of this stage. In order to figure out what our ultimate priorities are, we need to consider the finality of our lives. Death is inevitable and it could be closer than we think. So, what matters most?
Here are some questions to ponder:
- What does it mean to be successful?
- What is my life’s purpose?
- What brings me the most joy?
- What causes me the most stress?
- What do I want to be remembered for after I die?
- What brings me the most peace?
- What are my life’s goals?
You get it. We’re seeking our top priorities in life. If we can figure out what matters most, then we can set our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals appropriately. Once you know your big goals, filling out the priority equation for daily life becomes much easier and much more focused.
Balance Discipline and Flexibility
As an example, let’s say writing a book is one of the top things on your big priority list. With that goal in mind, you can easily break down the large task of writing a book into smaller tasks such as creating an outline, and maybe writing 500 words every day. Those tasks can be scheduled into your planner.
Set deadlines and prioritize this activity by putting it into your daily or weekly schedule. Use the priority equation to see where it might fit, and what other activity could be sacrificed. Then stick to it. Be disciplined. It’s the only way to make sure you focus on your priorities.
If you’re structured and disciplined in this approach, you will see and feel results. You’ll be doing what makes you most happy and content. But, there’s another side to this.
Priorities change. Sometimes in an instant. We need to be open to receiving this information and adjusting when necessary. Check in with yourself regularly to make sure your activities are still in alignment with your goals and needs. Always be flexible enough to change things up.
The key here is balance. Sticking to the activities that support our top-level goals and needs, but also recognizing when our priorities are shifting. You can’t lean to much one way or the other. Balance is critical.
Just Say No
Part of prioritizing is saying no to things that don’t fit into your plan. This is sometimes very difficult, but it can make a huge difference. The better you are at saying no to things, the better you’ll be at carving out time for what truly matters. If you can’t say no, you may find yourself never having time for your priorities.
Ultimately, this comes down to personal decisions. Only you know what your priorities are. Don’t be afraid to say no to other things in the name of focus.
Remember, Your Days Are Numbered
If you find yourself struggling with any part of this, just remind yourself that time is limited. Your life could be cut short at any moment. Use that truth as your motivation to prioritize the activities of your day, week, month, and year. It won’t take long to see and feel a difference.