Prioritizing doesn’t sound like fun, but it can be a real game changer when we face the fact that our days are limited.
Browsing Category Betterment
Why It’s Good to Start Fresh
Meister Eckhart once said, “Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” What a beautiful, rewarding way to start fresh.
The Best Advice for Perfectionists
As a perfectionist, the struggle is real. But there is one single piece of advice that has helped me more than anything else.
Up Your Game With a 30-Day Challenge
Challenge yourself to accomplish in 30 days what may otherwise take you a year. It works and you can certainly do it!
Failure is the Only Way to Be the Best
In order to be successful, we must risk failure. Not only that, we must expect failure. Set aside your fears and get ready to fail.
9 Ways to Get the Most Out Of Working From Home
Appreciate the efficiency of working from home and take advantage of the situation, both personally and professionally.
7 Ways to Create Positive Energy Each Day
We’re constantly creating and transferring energy. It’s important to be aware of our energy and work to make it positive.
How to Make the Most of COVID-19 Lockdown
It’s critical we maintain a sense of intention in this trying time. We cannot lose our way, despite losing our comfort.
How to Start Journaling and Why it Will Change Your Life
Journaling is easy, fun, rewarding, and healthy. Here’s some info to help you get started on your own path of discovery.
How to Make Real Progress and Stop Trying to Be Perfect
Arthur Ashe once said, “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” That’s great advice for a perfectionist.