Easy and Free: Seek the Lord’s Help First

In the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa developed a serious foot disease. Yet even with the severity of his disease, he did not seek the Lord’s help but turned only to his physicians.

2 Chronicles 16:12

We all have problems. They might be related to our health, our finances, our relationships, or something else, but make no mistake, we all have problems. 

Many of us look for answers on the internet, jumping into a rabbit hole of information. Sometimes that can help, and other times it can actually make things worse. Nevertheless, it’s easy and free. 

But something else is easy and free and has an impressive track record of miracles. I know, you’ve probably heard it before and maybe even tried it. But the Lord of all creation is ready and willing to help us with our problems, if only we ask. 

Seek The Lord, But Do Your Part

The first thing we have to do with any problem is assess it. If you just cut off your finger, you’re going to have to call the doctor. But, you can also call God. It’s going to take some time before a doctor will be able to help you, so seek the Lord’s help in the meantime. He’s eager to help.

Maybe a problem requires less immediate attention. Perfect. You’ve got plenty of time to seek the Lord’s help. Remember, it’s easy and free. 

The point is, God is ready to help with any problem, but we have to do our part as well. It’s a collaboration of sorts. Some examples are better fit to illustrate this than others. Typically, the bigger the problem, the more help we need. 

We can spend our time trying to solve a complex problem on our own, or we can take the easy route and seek the Lord’s help first. One prayer is all you need. Once God is involved, you’re good to go. He’s on the case. Trust that everything will work out, but remember, you still have to participate.

God Knows What We Need

Let’s go back to our finger example. Doctors aren’t able to put your finger back on and you’re confused. You asked God for help! He didn’t deliver! What’s the point? 

The point is God always delivers. He doesn’t always do exactly what you think He’s going to do, because that would be disappointing. God is omnipotent. We are not. We may think we know what’s best and we may really want something specific, but God may have other things in mind. He’s got a bigger picture. Let Him help. Don’t micromanage God. 

Seeking the Lord’s help means we have the power of the universe behind us. That’s comforting. If nothing else, it should put your problem into perspective. There is no problem bigger than God. 

Don’t’ Be Like King Asa

King Asa did what many people would do when he was stricken with a serious foot disease. He called the doctor. Then he called more doctors. He got his best physicians working on his foot. That’s good. Those were the best people to put on the case. But King Asa needed more than just people, and so do we. 

King Asa didn’t call upon God. That was a mistake. Not only did he die, but his legacy is now documented in the Bible as the guy who died because he didn’t ask for the Lord’s help. It doesn’t say specifically that King Asa would have lived, but it does seem implied. 

I’m not saying that death can always be avoided by seeking the Lord’s help, but the narrative will certainly be different. God will make use of the situation in ways that are glorious. 

I suppose we could make the argument that King Asa’s legacy is teaching others not to make the same mistake. But, there’s good and bad in everything. I wonder what King Asa’s story would have been if only he had sought the Lord’s help first. 

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