Energize Your Creativity With a New Routine

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.”

Dr. Seuss

You’re looking for a creative boost. Maybe things are feeling a little uninspired or you’re seeking a path to higher creativity. Either way, the answer is simple. To jolt your creativity, switch up your routine. It works and it’s a simple idea, but it can be challenging to do. Let’s dig in.

Why It Works

Routine is a groove. The longer we travel along that groove, the deeper it gets. At some point it may start to feel more like a rut, and we may be going through the motions without much thought. This isn’t all bad. A solid routine can keep us very disciplined. However, it can also cramp our creative style. 

Switch grooves. Recognize where things are stale and force yourself off that path. You don’t have to ditch your comfortable routines long term, but even if you switch things up temporarily you’ll get a different perspective. Boom! Creative energy ignited! Your brain will react to the new stimulus and give you fresh new ideas. Enjoy the new scenery your mind provides. 

Things To Try

Start by taking a critical look at the routines you have in place and figure out which ones aren’t serving you. We all have routines we continue despite the fact they no longer provide a benefit. That’s where we can do real work. Make a list of these stale routines and then make another list of all the activities you wish you could do more. Now you’ve got the perfect ingredients for a swap. 

Here’s an example. Let’s say you have a morning routine of checking social media, and lately you’ve really questioned whether that’s beneficial. Stop that for a week and use that time to indulge in an activity that brings you crazy joy. You can always return to checking social media if you find that it does in fact bring you joy. Remember, we’re introducing a new routine, even if it’s temporary. 

Another approach is to identify routines of comfort and replace them with activities that force you out of your comfort zone. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a guaranteed way to spark your creativity. It may not happen right away, depending on how uncomfortable you get. You may need to wait until the dust settles a bit, but try making a routine of doing things that are uncomfortable. It’s a great way to sustain creative boosts. 

Last but not least, try taking some time to get in touch with yourself. What really matters to you? If you can regularly assess on this level, you can always make sure your routines align with your priorities. This is a great way to feel fulfilled and therefore more creative. Life is short, so focus on what’s important. 

When To Reboot Again

Introducing a new routine is great, but it’s still a routine and eventually this new, exciting thing will become stale as well. The key is to always reassess. Be aware of when a routine feels stale, and be aware that routines can be tricky. Often you really have to step back and think hard about what you’re doing to see that a change is needed. 

Also, think about when you need a creative boost. That’s a great signal to change things up. A new routine can not only spark your creativity, but also provide a clean slate for integrating more rewarding activities into your schedule. 

If you’re reading this, it’s a safe bet you’re seeking a creative boost. Go ahead and introduce a new routine tomorrow or next week. Keep the process iterative and always seek to keep things fresh. You’ll like the results when it comes to your creativity.

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