Get Creative and Conquer Your Fear of Change

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”

Albert Einstein

The world has changed in the wake of a global pandemic. Some people are quarantined because they’re ill, while others are on lockdown to prevent the spread of illness. There are people still reporting to work and going about their day as usual, although circumstances have certainly disrupted their lives as well, whether that’s less in-person interactions, different work guidelines, or the collapsing economy. 

The point is, we’ve all faced change in the past few weeks, and in some cases it’s been drastic. Change is scary. Drastic change that disrupts our daily lives can feel paralyzing. Do not be fooled. Life is meant to be fluid and we are meant to be flexible. We have the ability to think and act creatively to successfully deal with any set of circumstances. Change is not negative, it’s an opportunity to grow. 

Creativity and Change

Pablo Picasso one said, “Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.” When change is forced upon us we can easily start asking why. Why is this happening? Why now? Why like this? Why can’t things just stay the same? 

The trick is to let go. As your circumstances and situation change look for opportunities. Ask why not? Dream. Engage your imagination and think of the changing times as nothing but new parameters from which to operate. Get creative.

Creativity is simply the act of using your imagination to think differently. It’s choosing to reframe a problem so that new solutions come to mind. Why is this important? Because many problems seem at first impossible to solve. The default view looks daunting and we feel defeated. By choosing a creative path, we ask questions about the problem. We engage with the difficulty instead of retreating. Suddenly, we see potential where before we only saw impossible. 

Change is a catalyst for creative opportunity. We’re forced to either think differently and move forward, or sit idle in our discomfort and watch the world pass us by. Choose creativity and face change with hope and optimism. Choose creativity to live free, regardless of what happens tomorrow. 

But, I’m not creative!

I hear this all the time from people who misunderstand what being creative actually means. You don’t have to be an artist to be creative. In fact, every single person has creativity built within them. It’s a tool that some use very well, while others struggle, but make no mistake, we all have it. 

When it comes to navigating change, the creativity you need is within you, whether you relate to the idea of being creative or not. The worst case scenario is you’re out of practice using your creative mind, but it’s more likely that you are unaware of when and how you already use your creative mind. 

To awaken your creativity, do this simple exercise. Take a problem that you’re facing right now. It doesn’t have to be a big problem, but it can be. Now, think of three ways to go about solving that problem. When we’re forced to think of new and different ways of doing something, we’re forced to get creative. If you really want to push yourself, come up with five ways to solve your problem. 

The Inner Critic

As soon as you tap into your inner creative, your inner critic will likely speak up as well. This is the negative voice within you that will say things like, “that idea is no good.” Or, “Just stop, there’s no point, you simply aren’t creative.” The best way to deal with your inner critic is to do the opposite of what it says. It’s primary goal is to never allow you to change or advance and that is exactly why we’re tapping into our creativity. We want to change, remember? Change is an opportunity for growth. 

Get Energized and Get Creative

Next time change comes your way and you start to feel fearful, take a moment to remind yourself that this is a challenge. This change is an opportunity to grow. Then, energize yourself. Rest up. Get motivated. Do whatever you must do to talk yourself up, because using your creative powers to navigate any change takes energy. It’s another reason why many choose other paths when it comes to change. They simply lack the energy to creatively address the situation.

Not you. You will conserve your energy and practice good healthy habits, knowing that you’ll need an extra boost to be creative. You’ll have the strength of body and mind to generate ideas and silence your inner critic along the way. You will set an example for others as you successfully deal with change. In the end, the energy you put toward creatively navigating change will come back to you tenfold. You’ll be energized by the outpouring of positivity that will come your way, because creativity is a lifeforce and it is ready whenever you are.

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