How to Make the Most of COVID-19 Lockdown

“One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”


Life is changing rapidly with the spread of COVID-19, otherwise known as Coronavirus. Here in the United States, we’re in the early stages of experiencing the effects of social distancing and self quarantining. We’re discovering that life as we know it is going to be dramatically different in the coming weeks or months, and it’s shocking us all. 

We’re faced with some decisions at this point. How do we manage weeks of isolation? How do we take this threat seriously without panicking? How do we continue to take care of ourselves while adapting to an entirely new routine? It’s critical to maintain a sense of intention in this wild time. We cannot lose our way, despite losing our comfort. 

Set Your Intentions Each Day

Now is a great time to start a journal. First thing each day, dump your thoughts. Let everything out. All you need is five minutes. It will help you shed the unnecessary and focus on what’s important. From there, you can engage with some simple prompts to set the intention for your day. Remember, things are changing rapidly so take life day by day, maybe even hour by hour. Be intentional with what you’d like to accomplish today, and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. 

Use Technology

We still need to keep in contact with friends, family, and loved ones, even if we can’t be with them in person. This means we need to take advantage of digital communication and online communities, such as texting, FaceTime, social media, etc. Take this lockdown as a challenge to come up with new ways of engaging others online. Find ways to inspire and bring joy to your communities. Get creative and be virtually social. 

Value Your Isolation Company

If you’re lucky enough to have family or friends at home with you during this time, which not everyone does, make sure to appreciate them. Take this isolation as a chance to recalibrate your relationships and discover new things about each other. Slow down and enjoy their presence. Give thanks. Give hugs. Love can conquer all, even the frustrations that may come with weeks of isolation together.

Be Happy

Don’t let this stressful time get the best of you. Find ways to stay happy, despite the trying circumstances. This will be challenging considering the limitations and setbacks we’re faced with, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Focus on gratitude. Give thanks for all that you have, and don’t let yourself dwell on negative thoughts. Exercise. Meditate. Laugh. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself joyful. Aim to make lockdown a blessing for your mental health instead of a curse.

Trust in God

Being in control feels safe, so we like to fool ourselves into thinking that we’re in control of much more than we actually are. Right now is actually a great reality check. It’s clear we have control of very little currently, but actually we’ve never been in control of much. God is in control just as He always has been. In the Lord’s Prayer it says “Thy will be done,” not “our will be done.” It’s God’s plan that we ask to realize, so now that it’s more clear we’re not in control, relax. Trust in the will of God. Trust that He’s in control, so we don’t have to be. We don’t have to know what the future holds. It’s in God’s hands and that’s wonderful news. 

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