I Don’t Get It: The Pleasure of Making Art that Doesn’t Make Sense

“If I choose abstraction over reality, it is because I consider it the lesser chaos.”

Robert Brault

Doo gett burrstigo frag bymend lest. Naaaaa. Geh geh geh. Ooomahn. 

That’s nonsense. Gibberish. I made up all those words in a sequence just for the fun of it. And it was fun. It was playful. Did I do it for a reason? Not really. I mean, I guess I did it for this essay, but the exercise was more independent. I stepped into another place mentally while I came up with those words. I stepped into the realm of abstraction. 

Nani nani! Gabba dee tazzend! 

Yes, the realm of abstraction. Do you go there often? I certainly try to. It’s a wonderful place. It’s a fun place. It’s a place where you can disconnect from reality and leave expectations behind. Forget about everything except the act of creating. 

Grab Stuff and Go

There’s no planning here. What are some materials that come to mind? Pen and paper? Reuse objects that are piled up somewhere in the house or garage? Sketchbook? Old art materials you’ve been longing to use? Digital tools? Sticks and leaves in the backyard? Seriously, don’t overthink this. Grab something and start creating. 

Are there other things you need? Glue? Some sort of backing? Go grab it. The focus is to make. Make make make. And don’t plan. Don’t think. If you find yourself thinking, stop. Check yourself. Lightly slap yourself if that’s what it takes. Do. Not. Think.

Be Weird

Remember, you’re free. You don’t have any responsibility here other than creating. It’s all fun and games. But don’t think. Just be weird. Do things you normally wouldn’t do. The goal here is to completely let go and create something that is totally abstract. It doesn’t make sense, and that’s perfect. 

Now, wait. Things might feel like they’re making a lot of sense to you. That is ok. Tell a story about the leaves as you glue them to a piece of wood. Create your secret narrative. Do whatever you have to do, just don’t be literal in your creating. Don’t let the eventual viewer have a clue what drove you to create this masterpiece of nonsense. 

Remind me why I’m doing this?

Because it’s fun. It’s healthy. You are exploring the great world of your unconscious mind. It’s scary to some. Maybe this sort of thing is completely foreign to you and therefore uncomfortable. Just keep going. Try it on. I’m willing to bet some part of this will be rewarding for even the most literal-minded folk. In fact, that’s who this type of activity is really for. It’s not bad to be literal-minded, however, it is good to break out of your comfort zone. 

Be Free and Fly, Hoshobby!

Yep. More gibberish. Things don’t have to make sense. The universe doesn’t make sense and we love it! It’s fun to think about space and the great unknown. Think about how that same unknown is right there at your fingertips. Make art that doesn’t make sense. Free yourself! Golanda bernado!! CHI CHI CHI!!!

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