Make Every Day a Creative Journey

“My life will be the best illustration of all my work.”

Hans Christian Andersen

There are days when we can do no wrong. Ideas flow with ease and every part of our existence seems cosmically connected to a never-ending creative power source. But, there are also days when we feel like a dried up well. We’re thirsty and nothing we do satisfies the creative need at hand. 

How lovely it would be to have consistency with our creativity. Our inspiration-rich days level with our struggle-filled days so we have daily provisions and nothing else. It’s a zen state. It’s machine-like. And it’s totally possible. 

Adjust Expectations

First of all, we cannot expect every day to be a blockbuster. We will not find ourselves highly motivated or inspired every morning when we wake, so we have to adjust our expectations. We have to make our expectations for creativity both realistic and achievable. This means lowering our expectations. 

We’re not expecting to be highly creative, we’re seeking to be creative. We’re not expecting intense inspiration to drive us, we’re simply looking for things that we find inspirational. We’re not expecting anything but a journey. A process. Every day we will wake up and travel through time and experiences. We will listen and we will collect. That’s it. That’s what we can expect. 

Forget the Destination

What is the purpose of our journey? Where are we going? It doesn’t matter. It really isn’t for us to determine. Our focus is only on the journey itself. Our mindset is one of discovery and learning. Does this mean that we should avoid setting goals or deadlines? Does it mean we should ignore our creative output altogether? No, of course not. It means that the journey is more important than the destination. 

Too often we judge our creative pursuits on the end product. Our focus is on finishing. This sets us up for inconsistent creative experiences. Enjoy the process. Live for the process. Make every day about exploration and discovery. You will still finish projects. In fact, there’s a good chance you may finish more projects since you aren’t placing as much pressure on the output.

The goal here is to simply reverse the focus from our destination to the journey so we’re enjoying more of the process and we’re embracing the discovery aspects of creative work. In doing this, we will always have valuable experiences regardless of the outcome.

Open Your Mind and Soul

Each morning, think of ways you can open your mind and soul. Any journey is more enjoyable if we are receptive to the inputs around us. For example, if you’re driving across the country and you don’t bother stopping along the way, think of how many places you’ve missed. We’re not talking about the planned stops either, we’re talking about the places that you stumble upon. 

I believe that God speaks to us through all the various stimuli we encounter throughout our day, whether that’s a place, a song, a conversation, a situation, etc. If we aren’t open and ready for this input, then we miss so much of life. 

Of course this approach requires slowing down a bit. You won’t be able to blitz across the country making record time if you stop and smell the roses. Sometimes that’s ok and other times our schedule cannot be changed. It’s ok. There’s a balance. Even if we’re in a situation where we cannot slow down, we can still be open. We can still be mindful.

Being open in both mind and soul will allow us to experience life in a profound way. It will enrich our journey and make our days more worthwhile.

Be a Bold Adventurer

To make the most of your creative journey every day, make sure to try new things. Think like an adventurer. Explore a new place, a new concept, or a new activity. Be bold with this. Leave your fear of the unknown behind and be confident. A bold adventurer sets out on a journey without hesitation. 

But I thought I was aiming to be creative? Why do I need to be bold? Why am I also an adventurer? Creativity loves when you’re stimulated and outside of your comfort zone. A bold adventurer is both of these. Again, it’s a mindset more than anything else. Try eating your breakfast like a bold adventurer. What does your morning commute look like as a bold adventurer? One thing is certain: with this mindset you’re bound to find yourself on a creative journey of some sort.

Journey Away!

I think we’re ready to enjoy a creative journey. Will you start today? Tomorrow? How will your three hundredth creative journey compare to your first? 

Remember, keep your expectations low, focus on the journey not the destination, open your mind and soul, and finally, be a bold adventurer. If you approach each day like this, you’re bound to have a rewarding creative journey. Enjoy!

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