To God be the Glory and Praise

Praise his glorious name forever! Let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and amen!

Psalms 72:19

Often in baseball you’ll see a player point to the sky after he delivers a hit, especially a homerun. It’s a small gesture, but a mighty declaration. The player is giving thanks to God, letting everyone know that it is Him who is responsible for delivering the hit. It’s a reminder that the glory of that moment for fans and players belongs to God, and all gratitude should be directed toward Him.

How often do we forget this? All throughout the day as we go about our business there are countless occurrences that we take for granted; countless moments that pass us by without even a slight pause of acknowledgement. These moments are made possible by the grace of God alone. It is He who orchestrates our successes. But do we point to the sky? Do we stop and thank Him? 

Be Mindful of God’s Presence

It’s easy to go through the motions in life. We get in a routine and life just happens. Days and weeks go by before we realize that we haven’t done this or that, like we intended. That’s why it’s important to maintain a state of mindfulness. To ensure we don’t lose sight of God’s influence in our lives, we must always be mindful of His presence. How do we do this? 

Being mindful of God’s presence takes practice. We’re talking about forming a habit of watching and listening as we go through life. With each activity, we recognize that there is a higher being present; a God that loves us and wants the best for us. We’re on the hunt for blessings, challenges, moments of grace, and anything else that normally would go unnoticed. Again, it takes practice. It takes energy. But being mindful of God’s presence in our lives is the only way we can witness to His glory and give Him the necessary praise. 

Practice Gratitude

Giving thanks is another habit we can practice so it becomes second nature to recognize our blessings and direct our gratitude toward heaven. As we’re being mindful of God’s presence, we start to recognize our blessings. The next step is to simply take time to give God praise. Say thank you. Start a gratitude journal and write down all that you’re thankful for throughout the day. Let it be known that you’re aware God is working in your favor. 

As you praise God more consistently, something else will happen: God will show you more of His glory. Your worries and fears will decrease because your focus is on the amazing things the Lord is doing. Little things that went unnoticed before now stand out and inspire you. Life becomes clearer, because your eyes are open to the glory of the Lord and you know your role is to simply bow down before Him. 


You watch for the Lord and you begin to see Him at work. You give thanks. He shows you more of His glory. Now, you must witness. Share your experiences with others. Make sure they know that it’s God who is responsible for the glory in your life. 

When we witness we share our joy and excitement with others in a humble way. We let our friends and family in on the glory so they too can enjoy it and praise God. His glory is a light that we shall not cover up, but instead let it shine for others to see. To God be all the glory and praise!

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